Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just another Sunday...

Sort of...


Brandon watching the Super Bowl

I kinda forgot that the Super Bowl was tonight so we didn't think to make any plans with anyone. It was just a lazy night at home.


Mum-me said...

Why is it called the Super Bowl when there isn't any bowling in the game?

I love lazy Sunday nights .... not that they happen too often around here.

Mummy McTavish said...

You are doing soo great with the 365 thing. You're almost 1/10 the way through:)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Brandon's shirt. Someone who loves him very much must have given it to him -- :)

Heather said...

Totally unrelated, but I gave you an award:

Chimera said...

Hi, I've seen your blog before but this is the first time I've posted.

Just curious about how you could forget the superbowl was on?

I live in Australia, I don't follow football, or any sport for that matter, & don't watch a lot of TV but even I couldn't miss that one. (I guess Aust media was pushing it a bit more than usual because there was one Aussie in each team) but still...