Today (well, yesterday in Australia) is Evan's 21st birthday!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Huh? What?
Chandler just walked into the room wearing an old Halloween costume...
C: "Mom? Does this dress make me look skinny?"
J: "Yep. It sure does Chan."
C: "Yeah. I thought so. That's why you shouldn't give it to me"
J: "What? Why?"
C: "Because it makes me look skinny."
J: "Oh. Well what's wrong with that?"
C: "MOM!" (said like I had just totally offended her!)
J: "What? What's wrong with it? Do you think I'm skinny?"
C: "Uh... No."
J: "Well what am I then?" (cringing and waiting for her response...)
C: "You are... nice... and smooth."
Then she ran off to change into another costume.
Strange child!
Posted by Jennifer at 12:46 PM 7 comments
Labels: Conversations with Chandler, Randomness
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
oh i can't WAIT for your responses...
so back in april i got my nose pierced...
well this weekend...

While we were there we decided to get tattoos... it was totally a spur of the moment thing. I have been talking about possibly getting one for a while and I already had a few ideas of what I wanted. I showed Jay (my tattoo artist) a picture of what I had found online and he said, "can I draw you something better?"
so, he did...
on my back...
with a marker...

thinking, "wow... maybe it's not as easy as i thought it would be!"
Posted by Jennifer at 9:06 AM 8 comments
Labels: All About Me, Travel
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Live Blogging...
These words are currently coming out of Riley's mouth as she sits in front on Annie on the floor at my feet...
"Mommy. Annie Cute!"
"Mommy. Annie have eyes!"
"Mommy. Annie tail."
"Tail Mommy"
"Tail Mommy"
"Mommy see? Annie Tail"
"Hey Annie"
"Mommy. Annie ears."
"Awwww... mommy! Annie toes." (that one cracked me up!)
"Annie? See toys?"
"Annie? Play?"
"Annie? Sweepy?"
"Annie? Go poop?"
"Annie Outside?"
"Wywee sneaky puppy"
"I sneaky puppy"
"Annie. Hey!" (while squeezing Annie's face)
"Ouch Annie" (after Annie clawed at Riley to get away... lol)
Did I mention she was screaming periodically? Good Grief!!
Posted by Jennifer at 12:27 PM 4 comments
Labels: Annie, Conversations with Riley
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Looking for a job?
Times are hard. The economy is "dodgy". People are "fortunate" if they have a job right now... not a job they love... just a job.
So, I have an offer for you...
I STINK at puppy training! I'm seriously toying with the idea of hiring someone to train my puppy NOT to poop or pee in my house!
Anyone need a job? :)
**Oh! If you can potty train Riley in the process I would be eternally grateful!
Posted by Jennifer at 9:07 AM 5 comments
Labels: Annie, Randomness, Riley
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Meet Annie
Here is the newest member of our family...

We decided to go to a park at the University last night for a picnic dinner.
Annie went along for the ride...
She claimed a spot on the bathroom floor and passed out!
Riley's favorite new thing is to come into the room and say, "where annie?"
or "there annie! she sweeping" (sleeping... no, i haven't trained her to sweep the kitchen... YET!)
or "NO NO Annie! NO NO!"
or "Mama! Annie!"
Basically anything to do with Annie...
Chandler is doing well with Annie.
She has taken her out to go potty a few times.
When she took her out this morning, Annie pooped. Here's our conversation...
C: "Mom. I need a napkin."
J: "Why Chan?"
C: "Annie pooped in the grass."
J: "That's ok. We are trying to teach her to go potty outside."
C: "But someone might step in it. I need to pick it up."
J: "Ummm... ok Chan. If you really want to."
C: "I do."
Uh... what? She WANTED to pick up dog poop!
She isn't my kid!! :)
Posted by Jennifer at 4:29 PM 8 comments
Labels: Annie, Chandler, Conversations with Chandler, Conversations with Riley, Riley
Friday, April 24, 2009
ho chee!
no, we're not moving to china or studying chinese! lol
that's riley's newest "catch phrase"... "ho chee!"
any idea what it means?
"HOLD ME!" or maybe "HOLD YOU!" since lots of kids say that when they want to be picked up!
it makes me laugh every time she says it! and she says it A LOT!
Posted by Jennifer at 10:59 AM 3 comments
Labels: Conversations with Riley, Riley
Thursday, April 23, 2009
All About Riley
Wow! This kid cracks me up!
Here are a few pictures of Riley from the past few months...
Posted by Jennifer at 11:14 AM 3 comments
Labels: Riley
New on the Twilight front...
Ok, you KNOW I've been in a bloggy-funk when I haven't posted ANYTHING Twilight related since January!!!
In case you aren't in on the Twilight craze... the movie based on the 2nd book in the series, New Moon, is currently being shot.
Because Jennifer loves me she sent me this link about New Moon the movie!
Here are a few other sites for you to check out if you are interested in the upcoming movie... due to release in the U.S. November 20th of this year (Happy birthday Aunt Karen... guess what I'm giving you for your birthday? Can anyone say "movie tickets"?? lol)
Stephenie Meyer: New Moon Movie New Moon Movie
In other Twilight news...
The "go ahead" for the 3rd book has been given and here's part of an article about the director for "Eclipse":
Los Angeles, CA April 22, 2009 — Summit Entertainment announced today that David Slade has been hired to direct THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE from a screenplay written by Melissa Rosenberg. THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, the third film in the studio's TWILIGHT film franchise based on the Stephenie Meyer's blockbuster book series, will be released theatrically in North America on Wednesday, June 30, 2010. The announcement was made by Erik Feig, Summit's President of Production.
Now, I for one, am a little confused about why they are choosing to go with yet another director when "New Moon" hasn't even finished shooting yet... but no one asked me my opinion when they were making this decision so I guess I'll just have to trust their judgement (whoever "they" are!).
Posted by Jennifer at 9:56 AM 2 comments
Labels: Movies, New Moon, Other Blogs, Randomness, Twilight
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The truth comes out...
This morning over breakfast, I was telling Brandon about my post last night (Chick Chatter).
Chandler chimed in with this little nugget of truth:
C: "Hey Mom. In a little while, when Riley is bigger (translation: in a few years), and I say 'Hey Riley. I'm going to the zoo!', she will say, 'HEY! NO FAIR!!', because she will want to go to and she can't!" (followed with a smug grin)
That's my girl! :)
Posted by Jennifer at 10:10 AM 2 comments
Labels: Conversations with Chandler