So our busy day in
Chattanooga was a success!
On our way...

The day took a sudden dive...

That is a gray hair on my compact... I found it while applying my makeup in the car... that's about the 6th one in 2 months! I saw 3 or 4 more, but just couldn't convince Brandon to pull over and pull them out for me!
I'm only 28!!! Too young for gray hair!!!
We arrived in Chattanooga and took part in the
Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis.

Nearing the end of the walk!
There was a GREAT park at the walk site so the girls enjoyed a little play time while Brandon walked the 1/2 mile back to the car for our picnic stuff... Yes, it really was a 1/2 mile to the car... I wore my pedometer. :)

Obviously this photo was taken BEFORE Brandon left to walk back to the car. :)
We had planned to have lunch in
Coolidge Park, but since the girls were enjoying the playground so much we ate there instead.

Walking a 3k and playing hard works up an appetite!

Riley diggin' into the grapes!
We loaded up in the car to head to downtown Chattanooga... we drove around a while to give Riley time for a short nap...

After arriving downtown we headed straight for
Ben & Jerry's!
Then it was across the street to let the girls play in the water at the
Tennessee Aquarium.

From the aquarium we headed over to
Ross' Landing
That is Brandon standing down there... Just to give you an idea of how high that water is shooting!
We found another fun playground...

Chandler and I both tried this contraption... You stand in it and it spins... It spins so much that I almost threw up! Brandon wouldn't even try it!

From there it was over to the
Walnut Street Bridge (aka the walking bridge)...

Once across the bridge we took a ride on the
carousel at Coolidge Park...

How appropriate that Riley is riding on a PIG!

Chandler on her horsey...

Chandler tired.
After the ride we put our blanket down for a rest.
Each of us chose to "rest" in our own way...

Chan tackled Brandon

Riley took a "rest" from riding in her seat and decided to see what the view looks like from Chandler's spot.

Then is was BACK across the bridge to meet Jonathan and Amy for dinner.

I was pretty tired by this point... doesn't it show on my face :)
Sticky Fingers for dinner....
When I asked Amy if they liked Sticky Fingers. Jonathan's reply, "I usually wash my hands."
That Jonathan, he's a funny guy!

Jonathan, Chandler and Amy

Riley, Brandon, and Me
Off to the
Chattanooga Lookouts game!
We had good seats...

First row... DANGER! Watch for foul balls!!

After Riley took a quick nap she spent the rest of the time bouncing from lap to lap.

Me & Amy
The Lookouts won...
It was LATE when we got home. Chandler fell asleep in the car, but Riley fought it and managed to make it home before crashing in her bed.
It was a good day. Long, but good.
My pedometer read 23,043 steps.
I've used up enough steps to deserve a whole entire day in bed! :)