Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Possibly the most perfect job ever...

Here, on the eve of my 29th birthday, I have found the perfect job...

Possibly the most perfect job ever

Even though the description says that the job is open to anyone, I'm pretty sure they would rather hire a local. :)


The Sharpe's said...

I was just reading that exact article!!! Were you able to pull up their website, it was taking forever and I couldn't get it open! How awesome would that be!!??

Amanda said...

It says they'll fly the winner in from their country! and quite honestly, getting a US citizen would probably be their best bet, because we have almost the most people in the world and we love traveling! Ask God to give it to you for your birthday...haha. You can all just take a 6 month vacay and I can come visit. :-)

Jenn said...

I want to go!!!!!!! It sounds like fun!!!!!

Mummy McTavish said...

So you gonna apply? Sounds great, get paid $150k for a 6 month holiday with a few inconvenient media apearances. WHAT A JOB. We'd come visit, compared to where you are now it would be just down the road:)

ps, Happy Birthday, it's today here already (duh) I mean it's your birthday here already.

Grannysaurus said...

Me too! Me too! Me too!
In real life (believe it or not) the Uniting Church in Australia has a chaplain to the Whitsunday Island tourists. (And I was just a prison chaplain. What kind of a deal is that?)