Today's installment of Project Chandler:

Can you tell what it is? If you are a mom, I'm sure it's obvious!
It's a yellow play-doh Christmas tree!
What does this picture say to me?
1. Focus is not important to a 5 year old with a camera...
2. The closer you are to your subject, the better
3. I will NEVER have a nice kitchen table... well maybe after Riley moves out. :)
Tonight, Riley climbed up into Brandon's lap (while he was attempting to watch football... ha ha!) and gave him a book to read to her...

"Once Upon a Time"

It's a story of a princess who meets a magical friend who grants her 3 wishes...
I bet as a boy or a teenager, Brandon never thought he would be reading princess stories! :)

This is today's Project 365 picture because...
1. I adore the silly face Riley is making!
2. Her toes are TOO CUTE!
3. It reminds me of how cuddly Riley can be, but only when she wants to cuddle!
I often think that when I am reading books titled "smelly bertie" or other such books on bodily functions. I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!
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