Chandler ended up having a nice birthday.
She thanks you all for your lovely thoughts and wishes for a happy day!
She had phone calls from friends and family in addition to your comments, e-mails, and Facebook messages.
First there was a call from Evan. If you ask Chandler about it, she will tell you, "he called ALL THE WAY FROM AUSTRALIA!"
Followed by calls from Grammy & Squire, Gran & Chief, and Aunt Erin (sorry we didn't call you back Erin!)
We went to the post office to pick up a packaged and she informed me that this was, "the biggest package EVER!"
Thanks Gran... your timing was PERFECT!
We came home and she unwrapped all of the treasures inside the "biggest package ever".
At church tonight she got a gift of CASH from a friend of ours and she even found a CROWN to wear!
So she was a happy camper as she climbed into bed tonight (in her new PJs from Gran)... especially after she remembered that tomorrow we are having lunch together and cupcakes with her class!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 434
6 days ago
I'm glad she had a good birthday! Wow, 6 years - it seems like yesterday that Mrs. Debbie was telling me you were expecting!
I'm so glad that our Chan had a happy day! Especially glad that she got her package on her birthday. She looks pretty in her purple pjs. We love you Chandler Brooke Miles!!! Hope tomorrow is as special as you are!!
I'll tell Lion that his prayer was answered and Chandler had a good birthday. He loves answered prayer! Thanks for the update.
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